The machine is designed to apply wax to the fruit by soaking the product.
- Machine designed to apply wax to the fruit by soaking the product.
- Delicate treatment of fruit.
- Made of stainless steel.
- Fruit extractor.
- Scraper beneath for brush draining.
- Trays beneath to collect waste.
- Vertical bypass with double brushing machine. For example, with treatment and without treatment.
- Vertical bypass with conveyor belt inside for treatment/no treatment.
- Triple vertical bypass with double brushing machine and conveyor belt beneath.
- Width according to desired production.
- Scraper beneath with manual or pneumatic operation.
- Manual or motorised fruit extractor.
- Water drenchers to clean brushes.
- Electrical Control Panel with automatic brush cleaning system.
Wax application plate:
- Rotary disc model.
- Moving cart model.